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The Lesser-Known Powers of Marijuana


Marijuana, widely recognized for its recreational and common medicinal uses, possesses a range of lesser-known benefits that are garnering attention as more research emerges. Below, we explore some of these underappreciated powers that might change the general perception of this plant.

1. Enhances Lung Capacity

Contrary to popular belief, some studies have shown that smoking marijuana can actually improve lung capacity. This is partly due to the deep inhalations required for smoking, which can exercise the lungs [❞] [❞].

2. Aids in Cancer Treatment

Marijuana not only helps mitigate chemotherapy side effects such as nausea and appetite loss but also can slow the growth of certain types of cancer cells and even stop new cancer growth in some cases [❞] [❞].

3. Seizure Control

Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound in marijuana, has proven effective in controlling seizures in patients with epilepsy and other neurological disorders. This property has led many patients and parents to consider CBD therapies [❞] [❞].

4. PTSD Treatment

Veterans and other PTSD patients have found relief in marijuana. Its neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties can reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and diminish traumatic memories [❞] [❞].

5. Increased Lung Capacity

While smoking any substance might seem harmful to the lungs, some studies have found that marijuana use can increase lung capacity and does not negatively affect lung function like tobacco does [❞].

6. Brain Protection

Marijuana has shown neuroprotective properties, helping protect the brain from damage after a stroke, concussion, or other brain traumas. This could open new possibilities in the treatment and rehabilitation of brain injuries [❞] [❞].

7. Hepatitis C Treatment Aid

The treatment for Hepatitis C can have severe side effects, but marijuana can help mitigate these effects and improve the treatment’s effectiveness. This is particularly useful for managing symptoms like depression, appetite loss, nausea, and muscle aches [❞] [❞].

8. Nightmare Reduction

For those who suffer from chronic nightmares, especially PTSD patients, marijuana can significantly reduce the frequency and severity of these nightmares. Although this is due to disrupted REM sleep cycles, it provides significant relief for those affected [❞] [❞].

9. Glaucoma Treatment

Glaucoma, a disease that increases pressure in the eye and can lead to blindness, can be treated with marijuana. It helps reduce intraocular pressure, slowing the disease’s progression and helping to preserve vision [❞].

Marijuana has an incredibly broad potential that goes beyond its well-known uses. With more research and openness to its benefits, we might see a significant shift in how this plant is used and perceived. For more information, you can visit Hive Medicinal and Healthcare Business Today.

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